Back pain has a multitude of causes, from Strain and Stress caused by our daily lives to Herniated Discs and Nerve Compression.  Fortunately chiropractic therapy, including low intensity laser therapy, can alleviate the pain and inflammation, and restore normal function.

Combined Care Approach for Best Results In the treatment of back pain, low intensity laser therapy is key in helping with the reduction of inflammation  in the tissues surrounding the nerves, and reduction of inflammation of muscles, thereby alleviating pain.   Laser therapy can also help to reduce disc herniation by strengthening the outer membrane of the spinal discs in order to help them maintain their proper shape and function.

Using cutting edge technology and working through specially designed laser frequency, the healing effects of the laser stimulate the damaged tissues to drive the inflammation out of the muscles and spine and restore normal blood flow, thus allowing the repair mediums to enter the cells and re-build healthy tissues, take away muscle spasm, reduce inflammation, and give much needed pain relief to the sufferer!

The laser therapy does not burn or cut or give any side effect.  It is totally safe and the healing effect is cumulative.  That means as you get better, you will need fewer treatments and should be ready for some strengthening exercises to get you back to pain free living sooner.

Often times, however, laser therapy alone may not completely resolve back pain if part of the root cause is misaligment of the spinal or pelvic bones.  Doctors of chiropractic correct these misalignments using safe and effective maneuvers called chiropractic adjustments to successfully realign the spinal and pelvic bones.  Dr. Wayne is trained in Activator chiropractic technique, which uses a small hand held device to tep the vertebrae back into alignment and relieve the pressure on the nerves and discs.

Studies have shown that patients with sciatica and low back pain who received chiropractic treatment “noted a long-term outcome advantage” for chiropractic vs medical care.

A combined care approach which includes low intensity laser therapy to reduce inflammation and pain, chiropractic adjustments to correct structural misalignment, and appropriate strengthening exercises incorporated at the correct stage of care can completely alleviate back pain.

We’re Here To HelpIf you currently have back or leg pain, it’s vital to avoid self-diagnosing.

Schedule an appointment with Dr. Wayne right away to discover the underlying problem.  Doctors of chiropractic have specialized training in identifying and diagnosing the cause of musculoskeletal conditions.  Dr. Wayne is committed to identifying root causes of impediments to wellness, rather than masking symptoms with unnecessary medication or surgery.  Pain is the body’s way of signaling distress; let us help you pinpoint the cause and find a solution!

Call 250-860-4518 to book a consultation with Dr. Wayne and discover how we can help put an end to your pain.

Laser therapy is the safe and clinically proven effective treatment of choice for patients of any age – child to senior.  This painless therapy is non-invasive, non-surgical and has no side effects.

Don’t let back or neck pain keep you from enjoying life!  Read how BioFlex Low Intensity Laser Therapy has helped others break free from the pain…